Mahidol – Macquarie Center for International Education Workshop on Excellence in Teaching and Learning Program, Module 1, Cohort 2

ภาควิชาอาชีวอนามัยและความปลอดภัย คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์ ม.มหิดล ร่วมกับ สมาคมอาชีวอนามัยและความปลอดภัยในการทำงาน จัดงานสัมมนาวิชาการระดับนานาชาติ “The 4th ANOH Conference 2019” (ANOH 2019)
November 11, 2019
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดลเข้าร่วมประเพณีตักบาตรท้องน้ำในวันลอยกระทง ประจำปี 2562
November 11, 2019

Mahidol – Macquarie Center for International Education Workshop on Excellence in Teaching and Learning Program, Module 1, Cohort 2

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On Monday 11th November 2019, Clin. Prof. Suwat Benjaponpitak, Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs, provided opening remarks, together with Asst. Prof. Nopphol Pausawasdi, Acting Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs, who presented a report, for the Excellence in Teaching and Learning Program Workshop. Clin. Prof. Benjaponpitak and Asst. Prof. Pausawasdi welcomed three specialists in educational research and assessment from Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Human Sciences, Macquarie University, Australia: Assoc. Prof. Michael Cavanagh, Initial teacher education Program Director: Secondary; Dr. Robyn Moloney, Honorary Senior Lecturer; and Dr. Anne Forbes, Senior Lecturer. This is the 2nd cohort of Mahidol University professors taking part in the workshop, from 11th – 15th November 2019 at Room 309, Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University, Salaya Campus.

The workshop aims to support Mahidol University lecturers in utilizing innovative teaching and learning processes, education research skills, and academic program development. This program consists of two platforms, featuring online courses in addition to the five-day workshop. 37 faculty members, all of whom ares highly involved in academic affairs, are participating in this cohort. At the end of workshop, all participants will receive certificates of completion to recognize their development of innovative skills in teaching and learning.

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