Mahidol University International College (MUIC) Celebrates 32nd Anniversary

The Outcome of AUN-QA International Conference 2018
March 27, 2018
Mahidol University participated in APAIE 2018 Conference and Exhibition
March 27, 2018

Mahidol University International College (MUIC) Celebrates 32nd Anniversary


Mahidol University International College (MUIC) celebrated its 32nd Anniversary on March 26, 2018 through several activities led by its Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phitaya Charupoonphol.

Early in the morning of March 26th, Prof. Banchong Mahaisavariya, M.D., President of Mahidol University, joined the MUIC Dean, executives, faculty members, and staff in the Offering of Blessing Ritual at the Chao Por Khuntoong Shrine followed by a Religious Ceremony featuring nine Buddhist monks at the Reception Hall of Aditayathorn Building.

Afterwards, there was an MOU Signing Ceremony with Thailand Creative and Design Center (TCDC), with Dean Phitaya signing for MUIC and Mr. Kittirat Pitipanich, Acting Director of TCDC signing in behalf of TCDC. MUIC was earlier selected to be the first educational institute for the mini-TCDC Link Project.

Following that, Dean Phitaya presided over the Opening Ceremony for Charinyarasmi Hall, MUIC Co-working Space, Computer Room, and Reception Hall of Aditayathorn Building.

In the afternoon, Dean Phitaya, executives, and staff attended the “MUIC Achievement 2018” at the Charinyarasami Hall to honor faculty and staff members for their outstanding work performance.

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