Career and Employment Service
– Promote recruitment news for graduates and part time jobs information for students. Please visit Facebook Fanpage: MU Friends for more details.
– Organize essential skills training program for student self and personality development. To prepare students for theirs future career.
Mahidol University counseling services support students in various fields such as mental well-being, learning, graduate study, career and etc. As a way to relieve anxiety, encourage self and others understanding, and solve problems with the right decision. Students are encouraged to become Mahidol University desired characteristics of the graduates and wisdom of the land. The service channels are as follows.
– Walk in as group or personal : Mahidol Friends, 3rd floor Mahidol Learning Center (to make an appointment please call 02-849-4538, 4502 or 4512) (on working hours)
– Telephone counseling : please call 02-849-4502 or 4512 (on working hours)
– MU Hotline (in case of emergency) : please call 088-874 7385 (24 hours)
– Inbox Facebook Fanpage : @MahidolFriends