Mahidol University International College Hosts Event “Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Implications for Global Security”

มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล จัดงานเฉลิมพระเกียรติ สมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสุทิดา พัชรสุธาพิมลลักษณ พระบรมราชินี เนื่องในโอกาสวันเฉลิมพระชนมพรรษา 3 มิถุนายน พุทธศักราช 2566
June 2, 2023
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล โดย ศูนย์ส่งเสริมจริยธรรมการวิจัย จัดโครงการกิจกรรมแลกเปลี่ยนเรียนรู้เพื่อจัดทำแนวปฏิบัติการดำเนินการต่อสัตว์เพื่องานทางวิทยาศาสตร์ (IACUC World Cafe)
June 2, 2023

Mahidol University International College Hosts Event “Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Implications for Global Security”


On Tuesday, May 30, 2023, the International Relations and Global Affairs faculty of Mahidol University International College organized an event centered on the topic of Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Implications for Global Security.” Distinguished guests were warmly welcomed to Mahidol University International College to discuss and address the profound impact of Ukraine’s invasion on Europe and the world. The speakers unequivocally expressed their opposition to the war and extended full support to Ukraine.

The esteemed guests included H.E. Mr. Georg Schmidt, the Ambassador of Germany; H.E. Mr. Jon Åström Gröndahl, the Ambassador of Sweden; Mr. Michal Sveda, the Deputy Ambassador of the Czech Republic; Mr. Remi Lambert, the Premier Counselor of France; and Mr. Pavlo Orel, the Charge d’Affaires of Ukraine. Each speaker shed light on the detrimental consequences of Russia’s propaganda and the immense suffering inflicted upon millions of lives. Mr. Pavlo, in particular, passionately spoke about Ukraine’s resilience in the face of adversity and the crucial need for solidarity among nations.

The event underscored the paramount significance of global unity in supporting Ukraine against this unprovoked invasion by Russia. The speakers acknowledged that even ASEAN could face potential threats from regional powers in the future if Russia were allowed to act with impunity. Lastly, the speakers endeavored to raise awareness of global security concerns that could impact Thailand in the future, urging Thailand to align itself with Ukraine and demonstrate our commitment to global peace and unity.