
     Mahidol University has policy to support scholarship for students who lack of financial support but outstanding in learning with good behavior. The source of scholarship consists of

1. Internal funds (Please contact division of student affairs from your college or your faculty)


1.1 King Phumibol’s scholarships for students who are outstanding in learning and activities but lack of financial resources. This scholarship worth 50,000 THB and give on the graduation ceremony.

1.2 Mahidol University’s scholarships for students who have good behavior but lack of financial resources. This scholarship worth 5,000-10,000 THB.

1.3 Scholarships from benefits of donors for students who outstanding in learning but lack of financial support.

2. Government and private company funds

are external funds sources from government office / bank / private company / shop / foundation / charity and donors. University will use this scholarship as the objectives of donors such as the characteristic of scholarship receiver.

3. University emergency funds

for students who had a serious accident  that effected their studies such as their parent pass a way or their house burned down. Please contact Division of Student affairs from your college or faculty.

4. Loan funds for students in needed

such as accidently lost their money, their parent cannot afford money in time and they need to use the money as soon as possible. Please contact Division of Student affairs from your college or faculty. Students can loan between 500-5,000 THB and must pay back within 6 months.

5. Loan funds for education


The objective of Loan funds for education is to provide loans for students who lack of financial supports to pay for their tuition fees, everything relate to education and living expenses. Loan funds  consist of 2 types as follows:

  • ICL type ( for university tuition fees but not exceed the funds limitations but loaner must study in main demand programs and clarity of work force production according to the fund committee’s announcement.