15. Key Instruments for Practice of Kammatthana At this level key instruments steering the practice of Kammatth
na along the path of tranquility comprise:
15.1 Sacca (Determination), Satim (Mindfulness)
(Intense Perseverance) and Sampaj
no (Versatile Knowledge of a given stance).
15.2 An effort gingerly to maintain the consistency of the following 5 Functions (Bala or Forces), namely, Saddh (Faith), Pa
, (Versatile Knowledge), Viriya (Perseverance) Sam
dhi (Concentration) and Sati (Mindfulness). The last function operates to evaluate itself so as to adjust the mind accordingly.
16. Points to note on Aditthana There are 5 M
ra which are destructive. As the Exalted One conquered them all, He has been known as M
ravijjaya or the Victor of M
ra. These are given below :
16.1 Khandha-m ra, consists of Pa
cakhandha which gets one into trouble and leads to tedium which could be the cause of suicide.
16.2 Kilesa-m ra is made up of Kilesa under whose domination a person slaves and is compelled to commit a variety of sinful acts.
16.3 Abhisa kh
ra, comprises abhisa
ra conducive to both meritorious and sinful acts. However in general for the man in the street, this has sinful connotations. It makes for lowly conception and birth and leads to difficulty in one's present life.
16.4 Maccu-m ra, is formed from death. This applies particularly to people who have righteously performed useful acts but whose life is cut short by death. Death is thus M
ra, since it destroys their potential to do good, as in the case of
ra K
ma and Uddaka R
maputta (The Buddha's former teachers). Their death occurred at approximately the same time as the Buddha decided to go to bless them after His Enlightenment.
16.5 Devaputta-m ra consisting of Deva and Devi who are malevolent and are on the look-out to destroy and place obstacles in the way of good deeds.
Thus M
ra is a thing or a being which destroys good deeds and corrupts people.
17. Five Attributes of Pati P ti is rapture, constituting one result of the practice of Kammatth
na. It is manifested in 5 ways.
17.1 Khuddak -p
ti (Minimal Rapture). On its appearance, a person's hair stand on end and he or she is in tears.
17.2 Khanik -p
ti (Momentary Rapture). On its appearance, one experiences a sharp pang as sudden as lightening.
17.3 Okkantik -p
ti (Spasmodic Rapture). When it occurs, a person's hairs stand on end but in a stronger manner than in the case of the second kind. It can be likened to the action of waves hurling themselves against the shore.
17.4 Ubbeg -p
ti (Thrining Rapture). On its appearance, one is inflated and may do things unintentionally or absent-mindedly. For instance, one can utter an exclamation.
17.5 Pharan -p
ti (Through-going Rapture). On its occurrence, according to the Buddha, one may leap into the air or levitate. Sometimes one feels one's hair standing on end and has a tingling sensation all over one's body.
18. Three Steps of Bhavana (Mental Development)
18.1 Parikamma-bh van
(Preliminary Stage) This is to recite such words as Buddho, Buddho, during Kammatth
18.2 Upac ra-bh
(Access Stage). This is a by-product of contemplation of objects or, with suppression of Nivarana during Kammatth
na, results from mere thought being given to such things as the Buddha's benefaction. Visions will appear.
18.3 Appan -bh
(Full Absorption Stage). This is contemplation while Patbh
ganimitta appear. With mental concentration such vision can be generated at will. This is the outcome of unshakable contemplation of objects. On the other hand, the kind of Kammatth
na having mere thinking as its basis falls short of this.
19. Five Types of Vasi Vas
, there are 5 Types of Expertise related directly to Jh
na and indirectly to Sam
These are 5 successive steps of reflecting on, entry into establishing, rising from and reviewing the
Jhnic State in Vas
, which is repeated practice to make the Jh
nic State second nature to one.
19.1 vajjana-vas
: Expertise in entering Sam
na, through, at will.
19.2 Sam pajjana-vas
: Expertise in entering Sam
19.3 Adhitth na-vas
: Expertise in being determined tranquilized in Sam
19.4 Vutth na-vas
: Expertise in making one's exit from Sam
19.5 Paccavekkhana-vas : Expertise in contemplating Sam
dhi and Jh
20. Five kinds of Vimutti Vimutti : This is Mental Release, which is the ultimate aim of Buddhism. It can be either Lokiya or Lokutara
20.1 Tada ga-vimutti : Temporary Release from Kilesa, as for instance, temporary suppression of lust, resentment, infatuation and obsession with certain stances.
20.2 Vikkhambhana-vimutti : Mental Release from Kilesa by virtue of Jh na. This lasts as long as Jh
na itself.
20.3 Samuccheda-vimutti : Mental Release from Kilesa by virtue of Ariya-magga. Once relinquished, these Kilesa will not break out for good. 20.4 Patipassaddhi-vimutti : Mental Release from Kilesa by virtue of attainment of Ariya-phala through Ariya-magga. There is no feverish activity to relinquish these Kilesa, since they have been irrevocably eradicated. 20.5 Nissarana-vimutti : Absolute Release from Kilesa lasting up to Nibb na.
21. Criteria for Judging Mental Samadhi by Its Nature According to the Buddha, the nature of Sam
dhi must be scrutinized as to :
21.1 Whether there is inherent absence of mental dissipation. 21.2 Whether mental fantasy has been eliminated. 21.3 Whether there exists evident mental resoluteness. 21.4 Whether there has arisen a feeling of corporal and mental comfort (conducive to Sam dhi).
22. Benefit of the Practice of Anapanasati Mental tranquillity, refinement and coolness (without being literally drenched), abiding happiness and capacity for instantaneous elimination of sinful hang-ups.
"Behold, monks who can discern the perils of Vatta-sa
ra. Do take up sam
dhi, for those who have attained Mental Sam
dhi, have access to the Truth". These are the Buddha's Words.
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